Welcome to Howie's
Download Page
Walkaround for FI-Mail's Message box.
Well if you're running FIMail and are starting to get fed-up
with the message box when loading, then you will be pleased to
know that I've written 2 simple Visual Basic programs to walk-around it.
howie.zip (3k) Contained in this zip file you will find the program howie.exe
as well as a text file with instructions. This version simply acknowledges the dialoge box
and hits the return for you.
dave.zip (3k) Contained in this zip file you will find the program dave.exe
as well as a text file with instructions.
This version was written following a request from fellow Demon user Dave Scott. His requirements were to
add command-line functions to enable the updating of the 'LastUser=' entry in the fimail.ini prior to
hitting the return for you. This therefore allows the setting-up of multiple icons for different users.
The "Sexy" Howie Jingle
snuggle3.wav 191k (mono) . This is a copy of my , so-called , "sexy jingle" that I used on my
latenight shows on Mayflower FM
( last updated :- 24th December 2003 )